Here you will find answers to common questions about our products and services. Get the information you need to make an informed purchase and enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience.

There is no such thing as a perfect 1:1 replica. Under close inspection, a watchmaker will identify a replica when compared side by side with the original piece. You can find comparison videos on YouTube for detailed insights. While Superclone watches are high quality, they may have small divergences from the originals. In real-life scenarios, without having the original for comparison, even experienced watchmakers may struggle to distinguish them. We strongly discourage attempting to sell replicas as originals or misleading others. Replica watches are meant to provide the pleasure of owning a desired timepiece without the high cost, motivating you to achieve your goals.

A Grade: The most basic level, featuring a functional quartz chronograph or an automatic movement for non-chronograph models, PVD coating, a durable stainless steel case, water resistance, and Hardlex mineral glass. Ideal for budget-conscious buyers.

Superclone Grade: The highest quality, replicating the original watchmaking process with precision tools. Features include a self-winding Swiss clone movement, detailed engravings, high-grade materials, 18k gold DLC coating, Moissanite diamonds, and impeccable polishing.

We strive to provide detailed information and pictures. However, during busy periods, our customer support and warehouse focus on existing orders. After placing an order, you will receive Quality Control photos within 2-6 days to confirm or request a replacement/refund before shipping. If you prefer to see photos before delivery, notify our customer support via email or chat.

A Grade: Uses Hardlex mineral crystal, which is more scratch-resistant than regular mineral crystals.
Superclone Grade: Uses Sapphire crystal, which is extremely scratch-resistant and provides excellent visibility.

Yes, you will receive an EMS/DHL tracking number by email after your order has been inspected and shipped. Delivery takes 10-25 business days.

To keep costs low, watches are shipped without a box and papers. You can add a box to your order as a separate item if needed.

Watches are shipped as “Gifts” with a value under $100 to avoid customs fees. If customs in your area are strict, especially for packages from Hong Kong, please contact customer support before ordering.

A Grade: Water resistant.
Superclone Grade: Waterproof up to 50 meters.

We encourage payment with cryptocurrencies for their safety, speed, and anonymity, offering a 10% discount for this method. We also accept PayPal and Visa/Mastercard in a limited manner due to restrictions on replica products.

Our automatic movements ensure the second-hand runs smoothly, typically at a frequency of 21,600 bph.

Yes, if the original watch has a ceramic bezel, our replica will also feature a ceramic bezel.